We all seem to be acclimating well into the school year schedule. You'd think the girls have grown up all their lives in this school, the way it's all so natural to them. Even with new teachers, it's all good. So, what does our day look like since I'm no longer a homeschool mamma? So glad you asked. :o)
5:50 - I'm up and to the shower. I can rush and be ready in about 30-40 minutes but I like having a tad of time to sip a cup of coffee while applying my 'face'.
6:50 - I wake up the big girls and they have a 'gourmet' breakfast of a bowl of cold cereal or {the latest fave} a frozen Eggo.... with juice.
7:00 - I like to wake Robin up a little later so I don't have THREE kids barking breakfast orders. So after Jaci and Chandler are happily munching away, I bring the third child to the table.
While they munch, I've been reading the first verse of the Proverb of the day. We discuss what it means and how it applies to them and hopefully their day.
After they eat, it's off for clothes, hair and teeth. I'm already seeing that
someone better move to the downstairs bathroom in the not too distant future because even three
young girls in one bathroom is a trick!
Hopefully they're ready in time to feed and water the cat before we head out, otherwise she's left in daddy's care. To save time in the mornings, they pick their clothes out the night before and pack lunches the night before {if they don't like the hot lunch menu for the day}.
7:40 - We load up to pick up the other little chica who goes to preschool with Robin. Then we head east, their school is 18 minutes away...taking the interstate. (If we're running late, we take the dirt road - it saves us 4 minutes)
8:05 - We've dropped the big girls off and now I have 20 minutes to kill before I can drop the preschoolers off. Sometimes, I stop and get a cup of 'Jamaican me Crazy' coffee. It's good! Since, it's nice out, we usually play at the playground for a few minutes or take a little walk before going into preschool.
8:30 - Now, that I'm child-free, I head home. This is where my schedule gets fuzzy. Here are my 'intentions'....
Monday mornings - spend with hubby. It's his day off so we've declared it 'date morning'....after he returns from Romania anyway.
I'm hoping to spend that 9:00 hour with Jesus the rest of the days. Then I'll have a little time to breeze through some housework before heading to work at 11am on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Robin gets home from preschool around noon. So we eat lunch together and then do whatever's on the days list. Of course, now I'll be working some so those days are different....
2:40 - Time to head east again. The girls get out at 3:15 but I like to actually find a parking place so I like getting there around 3.
3:40 - When we get home, the girls have a snack and work on homework - which has been very light so far. (yay)
5:00 - I begin supper prep (oh yeah, I'll have to cook again since hubby's done with his fast) and we eat between 5:30 and 6pm.
8:00 - The girls begin their 'next day prep' {lunches, clothes, backpacks} and then get into pj's so they can mellow down before heading to bed about 8:30. If it's before 9, I like to read to them from a 'classic' and we started "Little Women" but haven't read for a week or so. The version of Little Women I started, I hate. It's huge and intimidating to ME so I'll either find the original or maybe move on to something else.
I forgot how nice it is to have an hour, or two, (or three...) to wind down before heading to bed myself. My PLAN is to work out after the girls are down - either jog (while it's still nice outside) or pop in a kick-boxing video. We'll see how this goes.
So there's a quic...er, a somewhat detailed version of what a day looks like at my house!