Tuesday, April 15, 2008

birthday glory

I'm going to continue reveling in my 30th birthday glory for another minute over here too. Sorry.

My kids each bought me a gift 'from them'. They were excellent choices. Each one.

Jaci bought me jewelry. Black necklace and black and silver bangle bracelets. With them, a card. In it, written: Thirty is great. It is the beginning of a new life. Your eldest daughter, Jaci
She's 9.

Chandler bought me scissors. (mine disappeared a while back and this indeed, was a fabulous gift) In her card? Thirty is good. Thirty is a birdy. From your middle child.
Have a told you what a nut this one is?

Robin bought a candle. A oh-so-yummy-smelling fruity, gel, jar candle. She didn't have any amazing words of wisdom, just I LOVE YOU. I'll take it!

I know I was sick but, man, I was tearing up, feeling totally blessed, when they piled into my bed, bearing gifts that morning. Here's me and my 'middle child', helping me be happy at my surprise party.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Happy 30th B'day. I just celebrated my 40th on the 15th. For some reason 30 was MUCH harder than 40. Sounds like you got some great gifts. I had a "surprise" party too!