Wednesday, October 24, 2007

intercessor in training

Yep, that's my 4 year old. Tonight we prayed through our church. It's been a wild last couple of months and things were honestly beginning to feel a little defiled. Call it Halloween evil spirits in the air or just intensified demonic activity in our region but we needed some Light to cut through some darkness and heaviness.

So we met with our 'elder' and his wife and prayed through the church. I decided to touch and pray over every 'door post' - each doorway. Robin tagged along. She mimicked me as I prayed over the first door, then the second. Then she took charge. Praying that bad people couldn't come in and mess up our church, because it's OUR church. Praying that bad people wouldn't come in and use our kitchen stuff, because it's B.C. (our town). It was awesome.

She ended up praying over every pew (yes, pews but chairs will be ordered soon, God willing!). She prayed over the offering plates with us. I'm not sure of all the pleas to Jesus but I do know one was for the football team. (maybe she has some prophetic insight?!?!)

It's such a blessing seeing your kids pray more than just over the food or the day. I encouraged her that Jesus heard her prayers and that He can make things happen when we ask Him to be involved. Yep, it was one of those 'blessed-to-see-signs-of-a-legacy' moment.


Cindy-Still His Girl said...

What a wonderful heritage and example you are giving her!

ConservaChick said...

I love this! I used to pray over our door posts, but haven't thought to do so in awhile. Your daughter has encouraged me to renew this practice! ~Karlie